Thursday, September 20, 2007

Monster Hunter Freedom 2

Sooooo, its September and back to school kiddies.......
-_- including sad...
But besides that point there are some cool games coming out.
I don't feel like going into them, we all know Halo 3 will launch on September 25 no need for me to reiterate that especially since I don't play it O_O!

So good luck Halo lovers...please don't flunk the fall semester XD!

The game I will talk about ..... you guessed it Monster Hunter Freedom 2.

Maybe it is because I have never played this game before or I just suck but it makes me wanna kill myself. I now understand after playing it on my PSP why it got very mixed reviews in EGM (Electronic Gaming Monthy Magazine)

This game is awesome in its own right and then totally sucks in another.

Lets talk about why it is awesome.

First, there is the fact that you can have a multi player experience of up to 4 people defeating monsters. Did I mention the game is about killing Monsters >.> hence the name monster hunter....Elementary people.....Elementary...

When you kill monsters you can carve them and get awesome items to help you make better armor or sell to get more money.

You can also search for items around the map to either sell or combine to make better things.

The character designs are awesome as well, the armor you get to make looks great.

Graphics for this game are beautiful.

You can join guilds with your friends, even design your own guild card.

You can raise your Hunter Rank by completing quests

You get to choose from a lot of different weapon types to fight with some examples are:
My favorite Dual Swords, then Hammer, Great Sword, Gunner, Archer etc.


Yes I love that I can play with my friends thus is why I brought this game, they are ALL FIENDS I SAY! <.< But what about my single player experience? I can't complete not one mission alone in this game. I have to rely on my friends to get me through the missions and its not like you can play over a wireless connection. The connection you need has to be ad hoc..meaning I need to be in the same freakin room as the next person to play with them. Making this game to me instantly dead. I was all excited about the experience I would have alone and with my friends and had my dreams crushed by the overwhelming difficulty.

Granted I just might really suck, but I have heard veteran players tell me this game is hard to play by yourself. It disgusted me when there seemed to be no difference in the difficulty level for Hunter Rank 1 mission vs a Hunter Rank 2. Thus my critique is they should have thought more outside the box when designing for a portable device and not allowing players to succeed in much alone other than preparing your armor, farming and completing training missions.

Overall, if you have a lot of friends and have the time to play I would recommend this game to you. It has a lot of strategic elements that make the game fun and interesting to play, within a team. If you are always busy and don't have much time to play other than on the train to school or work I suggest you go buy lumines XD!

Well thus ends my post, if you like to see more beautiful images or just get more information on the game, go to This is where I got these images from. So as I always say it will be best if you head there XD!

Until next time, PLAY MORE GAMES O_O!


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