Tuesday, September 05, 2006

YAY! I am back it been awhile!!!

Yep! School has started but I am finally back... I didn't want to break my promise to keep my blog going. I was so happy to see I actually had some nice comments thanks to all ^_^!! That makes it even more worthwhile thanks again. XD!!!



1. YAKUZA !!!!!!!!!

I so want this game why O_O because it is soooooo coolz.........

Ever want to be a gangster......better yet ever want to be a japanese gangster O_O!!! Then you have to get Yakuza coming out September 5 or 8 >.<;;;;; (conflicting dates from Playstation Mag and Game Informer Mag) According to reviews Yakuza is a harsher version of Shenmue or a GTA set in Toyko. You have a main objective but you also can wander around the city and do random things. Example, buy things from vending machines, stores, go to hostess bars and more. You'll get into street fights ranging from rival Yakuza clan members to angry hobos. This is just the tip of the iceburg, you'll even have to buy gifts for your girlfriends guys XD!!! Want more Info check it out at here: YAKUZA


Okz.. I admit at first look at this game...even though I am a diehard fan of Final Fantasy I did not want it. After reading a full review of it in Playstation August Mag I had a change of heart. Even though it sports a much serious storyline than our previous final fantasy's and personally even though the graphics are awesome in there own right the look bothers me especially the lifeless hair.

Honestly though, I have to admit there really is a reason to purchase this game.

Firstly, the set main character bit that has always been a part of Final Fantasy has taken a back seat in this one. You can decide which character you want to be your main character and not the default character whose name is Vaan. Ok... did I mention the freakin awesome looking summons, if I remember correctly they brought back summons sampling around in the vast Final Fantasy Series. So you diehard fans might remember them and be really hyped or if your not that diehard but played a couple of the Fantasies you will still be hyped because they look so great and I am sure are equally great in battle.

Honestly, I can't believe how much I can talk about this game considering my pure hatred for it when I saw the trailer, but playstation mag really did a great and indepth article about this game and I really think it is worth checking out for all you die hard RPGers ^_^!!

By the way did I mention this Final Fantasy XII has NO RANDOM BATTLE =OOO!!!! *ALL RPGers DIE* LOL! Only Kidding!!! Also it sports a new flexible combat system =OO!!!!

But that is enough I leave it up to you to get some more info if you want!

Unfortuantely, Playstation has not posted the article online ;_; so if you want to read it you got to find the August Mag, either way I will look out for it they should have it up soon.

Coming Soon: September Calendar >.> that will be in like 20 minutes o_o...might as well get it done before my school work piles up >.<;;;; XD!


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