Sunday, July 23, 2006

Megumi's Top 10 E3 Games

So E3 came and went but the hype is still around.... I can't wait for the new systems although I certainly haven't got enough of my PS2 yet but that is another topic waiting to be addressed.
Today's topic is the top 10 games of E3.... or well my top picks..... who cares? <.<

1. Assassin's Creed

This game immediately caught my interest because for some reason or another I have an interest in assassins. Not that I want to be one but they always make a story so freakin interesting. So when I saw a game online at one of the many sites publishing info on E3 called like assassin's creed, I was in shock. I had to find out if the game was actually related to its name or just a marketing stunt. Happily, I was relieved to read that the game actually would be related to its title and decided to watch the trailers. I was totally amazed at what I saw. If the graphics in real-time gaming are as they were in the trailer I think I am gonna die. I happened to also watch this trailer with one of my friends and he felt the same way commenting on how real the bird in the trailer looked. The trailer was very cinematic and very photoreal, it pulled me right in and had an awesome feel to it. This game seems like it is gonna be killer. XD! ( get it killer! lol) Check out the trailer here: Click here to watch 'Assassins-Creed'

2. Final Fantasy XIII

Yes, I know all you Final Fantasy haters out there, unfortunately I love Final Fantasy.I am surprised at myself that this game wasn't number one on my list. I don't know if you noticed but I have a soft spot for great graphics and needless to say the Final Fantasy XIII trailer was quite drool worthy :L<----droolz. I saw a screenshot of the game which included the menu bar and the menu bar alone made me want to buy a PS3. lolz Seriously, it lookz freakin great. I am happy the creators decided to go back to the futuristic look because I wasn't really feeling FFXII, it looked way too traditional or whatever you want to call it, it just didn't make me want to play it at all. Although the graphics were very photoreal, they look somewhat weird in FFXII , in my opinion. Final Fantasy XIII seems like it is going back to how the game should be and I am looking forward to getting my copy as soon as it hits the shelves. Check out the trailer don't drool to much like I did <.<... Click here to watch 'Final-Fantasy-XIII'



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