Sunday, July 15, 2007

E3 Extravaganza

So E3 has come and gone. If you were to busy at work to watch any of the presentations ...I feel sorry for you....sooooo......I will fill you in on some events that interested me. XD!


Nintendo seems to be going a wii crazy for the wii ...... XD!

A new wii wheel will be coming out to accompany their new mario cart that apparently will have online capabilities. Yes Mario Cart lovers are dying and going to heaven all over the world.

If you are a wii bit out of shape....Yes I know it is cheesy but...thus my point...o_o......Don't worry you can get wii fit...with the new wii stepper. This will also be accompanied with an aerobic routine in the form of a game.


Of course the new smash brothers brawl was a beautiful highlight to the presentation. It looks awesome and I can't wait for it to come out so I can get owned......


X-BOX 360

Sorry X-box 360 lovers I didn't get a chance to watch their presentation.
I do know that they recently announced at least on their site, that due to it seems many complaints and many problems people where having with the system, such as the red light blinking around the power button problem. They are now increasing the warranties of X-box 360 owners from 1 year to 3 years and also planning to refund anyone who paid out of pocket money to get the problem fixed...... Smart Move.....


On to Playstation......... Of course for the playstation there is a host of very cool games coming out....can't say the company isn't annoying me right now but....we will get to that later.

Cool games I want to and you want to play:

Assassins Creed
Heavenly Sword
Metal Gear Solid 4
Grand Theft Auto IV
Guitar Hero III
Unreal Tournament 3
Soul Caliber IV
Resident Evil 5
Devil May Cry 4
Rock Band
Grand Turismo 5




So as you can see cool games right...... now the kick...stupid system......

Playstation announced that they will be dropping the price of the 60G to 499. YAY YAY YAY!! Right?...Wrong.... Apparently, they are phasing this system as soon as this particular system is out of stock you won't see it anymore. Then they will be coming out with the 80G version and jacking the price right back up to 599. Here is the won't be backwards compatible..... -_-....Don't you love it people.....

Lastly, Playstation also announced that the psp will have two new versions out for 169.00. One that is in silver and one that is white with the darth vader logo on the back. It will also be lighter and thinner. There are also some other features added but nothing that I thought was of any relevance so I didn't pay much attention to that crap. I was happy with these cool changes but alittle pissed to have gotten a psp recently for my birthday and then have to deal with the fact that now a silver one will be available for the same price. All I can say is bite me sony.....bite me -_-....

Wellz that is it for this update. Tune in Next month I should have some more equally interesting things to talk about I hope o_O.....

By the way if you haven't yet, go here to check out some more info on games for all 3 systems wii, x-box 360, and ps3 for E3. Also the cool images you see came from them as well so if you want to see more its the best place to go XD!


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