Tuesday, September 05, 2006


*sigh* I was serious when I said I would be posting in bulk due to my workload _-_...
This is the last post for the day ....


PS3 will launch on Nov 17, 2006

For a whooping $599 for the 60 gig version and $499 for the 20 gig hardrive version. (Yes, Like XBox360 they decided to have two)

Why so damn expensive you ask?

Because they have included a Blu-ray Dvd player within every system, which apparently on the market right now runs for more than 1,000 dollars o_o...........
So even though it is still a pretty penny for the PS3 it is surprisingly cheap............ *starts to cry*

Unfortunately for us broke people like me that really doesn't mean doo-doo >.<;;;;;

There are a couple of other differences other then the price you should know about for the two versions. Like the more expensive comes with an HDMI connection for high def tv's and a memory stick/SD Compact Flash slots that are used for multimedia functions. Other information says that sony will be offering a robust online service similar to Xbox Live...only difference is....... it will be FREE o_O!!! Yay! <.<>.<;;;;; *runs and hides*

Then lastly we have the infamous PS Controller =O! Which to everyones shock the vibration in the controller seems to be obsolete this time around. Sony claims that inorder to incorporate their new motion sensor which allows you to move the control and have your movement registered in the game they had to take the vibration function out.

Some disagree with that statement arguing Sony took the function out because of a lawsuit filed against them by the company which created the vibration function, Immersion. Also interesting, the new motion sensor will not be nearly as indepth as Nintendo's new Wii controller which I believes allows your movement to register from every direction, PS3 will only allow you to move side to side something along the lines of that. Just know it won't be nearly as extensive.

NEXT TIME : Nintendo's Wii!!! I think it deserves an post of its own ^_^!!!


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